Friday 9 October 2009

Im alive - again !

Quick post for now !

So I guess its a phoenix from the flames moment to keep idle hands busy !

to see earlier ramblings please visit :-

Why abandon that one - cause its microsoft specific and they wouldnt let me migrate it to my new msn account - if they cant get something as simple of that sorted, how can expect them to be standards independent and let me integrate anyones technology without it first being converted to a bastardised microsoft version of what Im looking to achieve !

So, the horse is out of its stall, lets yell like crazy and see where its nose will take it !

Signing off for now - but more to follow - soon - o lets see how the Poltergeist chase goes ! over the next few days - hope I dont have to find me a holy man (or more correctly in the 21st centruy PC world - a holy person).

Fastest cake in the west - scone....


  1. you know I had a text message today, it just said BGNA, I reckon that was BANG out of order.
