Thursday 4 February 2010

The HURT Locker REMAKE - currently only story-boarding

HURT LOCKER  (the up north directors rip off)

Objective (i) To secure parents yard so the mutts can run around freely
Objective (ii) To reduce the required maintenance on the periphery of parents property

Which branch to cut ... trip branches and secondaries everywhere ...

Debate was on until last minute by purse string holder on wood or concrete finishing - once concrete was seen it was decided upon rapidly, due to its wonderful aesthetics.

Only issue with this is that it was about the same cost - overall, but the concrete was 3-4 times heavier than the wooden fixings - didn't really take this into account until it arrived on the truck !

Escape route hazard disarmed - careful or it might be a bit rubbish

Et Viola - privet privet every where - have you twigged on yet what it is ?...

And the privet came tumbling down - well currently sitting on the side garden out of sight !

Now to get the roots out - best action for these was the old crocodile movement - twist pull and turn - like a croc eating a wildebeest. Never ceases to amaze the size of the hole that is required to get under a tree root to make it give way !

Some tenacious roots just wanted to hang in there, but eventually they all gave way and couldn't hold out to the power of the Axe of pickies...

The idea was to lay a section down on the ground and use it as a template, well that was the plan, didn't quite work out that way !

Please note foreman BOB the DOG checking on things out - his motto - MEASURE ONCE CUT TWICE - he doesn't always get things right - at least he didn't mistake the fence posts for trees !

So we come to laying in the first panel, start digging hole and hey presto - here is the waste duct going from parents house to neighbours. So had to move hole down the garden by 4' 6" and fit 1/2 panel in the gap later - the 1/2 panel was a act of pure beauty - pure workshop engineering on the fly !

Post's 1 & 2 didn't lay in right - just getting used to what having to do :( 
Therefore fence not perfect on panel 1 - DOH !

Next few panels laid in beautifully.

21st century technology - is Postcrete better than Hard as Nails - gotta be a debate in there somewhere.

Length section run in - had to return to garden centre for materials to finnish off bottom section, couldn't run final panel in, due to it requiring the bottom section post to interlock with the length post to finnish it off nicely.

The corner interlocking posts fell together beautifully, bottom panel fitted in slot, but the post had to moved about 4" due to hitting heavy concretion from when neighbours had dropped in there original wooden posts. Once finished a single panel piece was doubled up with some 2x1 and dropped in to fill the final gap.

It's not absolutely perfect, some of the posts and panels are at slightly different heights to one another, but the PURSE STRING holder is very pleased and the original objectives were met or exceeded.

So finally compare and contrast :-

Objective (i) To secure the yard so the mutts can run around freely
Running so freely - it's now hard work to get them into the house - basically they love their new play area !

Objective (ii) To reduce the required maintenance on the periphery of the property

The boss is already looking at the finishing touches - burnt oak colour for the panels and some nice topsoil for in front of the kennel

Objective (iii) To give freely to others whilst enjoying the journey

Sometimes engineers needs to chip a finger nail or three...and think on there  feet in the field /     trenches .. to have fun

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